How to schedule an appointment using Google Calendar ?
6 months ago

8 Steps
Google Calendar, a powerful tool for managing your schedule, can be used to efficiently schedule appointments. This document provides a step-by-step breakdown on how to create events, set reminders, and invite attendees. Learn how to optimize your time management by utilizing Google Calendar's features to streamline your appointment scheduling process.
How to schedule an appointment using Google Calendar ?

8 Steps
Make sure you're logged into your Google account to access your calendar.
Navigate to the "Date" you want to schedule your appointment. Click directly on that "Date" in the calendar.
This will open a quick event creation box.

Type in the "Title" of your event in the designated field
His title helps identify the purpose of the appointment.

Click on the "Appointment schedule"

Type the "Email" addresses of anyone you want to invite in the "Add guests" section.
This will send them an invitation, allowing them to respond.

If the time needs adjusting, click on the "Find a time" button.
Select the start and end times from the dropdown menus. Ensure the time reflects when the appointment will take place.

Click the "Save" button. If you added guests, confirm if you want to send them invitations.
This finalizes the event and adds it to your calendar.

Click the "Send" button.
You’ve successfully scheduled an appointment using Google Calendar.