How to Edit an event in Google Calendar ?
6 months ago

6 Steps
This document will show you how to easily edit the details of your event. From changing the date and time to updating the location and description, you'll learn how to make the necessary adjustments. Whether you need to reschedule a meeting or simply add more information, follow these simple steps to modify your event with ease.
How to Edit an event in Google Calendar ?

6 Steps
Go to the Google Calendar website
Locate the "Event" you want to edit and Click on the "Event"
This action will open a small pop-up with event details.

Click on the "Edit" (pencil) icon.
In the web version, this is usually at the top of the pop-up. In the app, you might need to tap on the event again to see the Edit option.

Modify the "Event" details.
You can change the title, date, time, location, description, guests, and other settings such as notifications.

Click the "Save" button.
On the web, this button is usually at the top right. In the app, you may need to tap a checkmark or save option.

You’ll typically be prompted to send updates to guests. Select "Send" or "Don’t send" as preferred.
By following these steps, you can easily edit any event in Google Calendar!