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How to copy an excel or csv file to Google Sheets ?
By Mitisha
Aug 27, 2024
document-icon Google
7 Steps
Easily transfer your data from Excel or CSV files directly to Google Sheets. This document will walk you through the simple steps involved, whether you're using a desktop computer or a mobile device. Learn how to import your data, format it, and collaborate with others in real-time.
How to copy an excel or csv file to Google Sheets ?
By Mitisha
document-icon Google
7 Steps

Click on the "Next".
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Click "File Upload"
Upload the excel or csv file in manually
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Once it's in your "Drive" folder, open up the file by double clicking it
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Click "File"
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Click "Save as Google Sheets"
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There you go! your google sheet will open up a new tab with the data saved as a google sheet. make sure to go back into your drive folder and delete the excel or csv file if you want to prevent duplicates
By following these steps you can copy an excel or csv file to google sheets
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